New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Advice for Imminent Pip?

Ask HN: Advice for Imminent Pip?
2 by giantg2 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
What advice do you have for a midlevel dev who might get PIP'd? The market is crap, so I can't easily move out of the company, although I am looking. I'm also looking internally, but there are no dev jobs posted at my level internally (in a tech divison of over 5k!). My manager says the department head wants to PIP me. The reason is supposedly that my throughput is too low and inconsistent (stories completed per sprint). However, a quick JIRA analysis shows I have completed roughly the same number of points as another dev at my level on my team. I have valid reasons for the inconsistency and it's common for others on the team to be inconsistent too - stories often hit major issues with the environment, confounding existing bugs, or even missing/incorrect requirements. It's not uncommon for our team bug fix/rework stories to consume 20-25% of our sprint capacity. I also have a disability. So I tend to ask for help when I hit bigger issues, especially when there is no documentation. I was told this is being viewed negatively as a lack of independence even though I requested accommodations including more coaching. Others ask for help but maybe not as often. Those people have also been here longer than me and seem to ask other people more like a personal favor than an open question to the team. So I'm screwed - PIP = department head wants me fired. Not sure what I can do. I know the best thing to do is leave, but there aren't any options for that currently.
