New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Trouble learning things I view as solutions looking for a problem

Ask HN: Trouble learning things I view as solutions looking for a problem
7 by jumbojax | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Even when these things have proven themselves to be very useful in widespread use. This is something that is playing a major part in impeding my progress, blocking my motivation to learning some tech skills that are more in demand. Especially since I currently have no job, so there is no real-world frame of reference to understand why they could be important. Why they could save my butt one day or make my life easier. At some point, long ago (2012-ish) I was no longer required to do deployment for web, but unfortunately I never caught up because I was never made responsible for production ever again. So I am just familiar with old ways of deployment and missed out on a lot of changes that led to where full-stack web dev is today. This mostly goes for a lot of skills in CI/CD and cloud that are in demand these days. Some of it comes up more in full-stack job interviews, in terms of, do you have experience with XYZ or how would you use XYZ in some situation. I have no good answer for them because I haven't really learned how to use them. And I haven't learned how to use them because I can't come up with problem scenarios where they are a possible solution. For instance, why do I need Jenkins and Chef when I can already test, SSH and add scripts and cron jobs no problem. Why would I need the cloud when my past jobs and clients got by well with a cheap shared host. For uploading files I just needed to know at least two of these three- Git, rsync, and SFTP. It's not that I actually believe most of these things are "useless". But rather that my mind can't draw a good problem scenario for them. So from my POV they look like solutions looking for a problem. Maybe my experience just has no good frame of reference for those things. Discovering a context, a frame of reference to understand these tools and apply them- especially without a job -that's what I want to figure out.
