New ask Hacker News story: Are there any positive uses of our online data beyond targeted advertising?

Are there any positive uses of our online data beyond targeted advertising?
3 by acobb99 | 5 comments on Hacker News.
Yesterday I had an interesting chat with a friend who works at Facebook. He explained how the company builds a detailed profile on each user based on their activity and then uses this for targeted advertisement and constructing a personalised feed that keeps you hooked on the platform. This got me thinking: what do you think could be the actual beneficial uses of this data if it wasn’t being hoarded by big tech to sell us products? Could it be used in ways that actually improve our lives, society, or the world at large? And this goes beyond just Facebook, imagine if you could also consolidate someone’s Google, Instagram, Reddit etc. data together… surely this data could be used in so many ways that benefit the user? Some ideas that I had included using it for social matching (e.g. dating or meeting people with similar interests), personalised recommendations, giving context to an LLM, or just some cool insights into your personality and digital footprint. I’m curious to hear your thoughts and ideas.
