New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How to sell a startup for $5M in 5-10 years? (not about product ideas)

Ask HN: How to sell a startup for $5M in 5-10 years? (not about product ideas)
2 by throwaway48540 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Let's say that the goal is to create and sell a startup to earn 5 million dollars within 5-10 years. This question is about everything except product ideas: - Where do you do business? - Do you get partners, co-founders or investors? - How do you approach sales and marketing? - Do you go for a lot of small customers, or less big customers? - Do you target a small niche market, or compete in an established large segment? - Where do you find the buyer? What does the buyer want, and how to optimize for that? - Is it possible to reliably plan for acquisition by one of the Big Tech companies?
