New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What AI role is this?

Ask HN: What AI role is this?
2 by supportengineer | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I don't have firsthand experience, but I imagine there is a job role like the following: 1. You have a standardized set of GPT prompts, and you can run them with a script and collect the results. 2. You analyze the results using some metrics (including subjective, manual analysis) 3. You want to change or improve the results, or if you are satisfied you stop/exit this loop. 4. You create, add, or modify the original source material training docs 5. You run the process that creates a new model (weights) 6. You go back to step 1 and repeat. Is this a role in the real world? How do you find such positions?
