New ask Hacker News story: What should I do when someone blatantly copy my open-source project on GitHub?

What should I do when someone blatantly copy my open-source project on GitHub?
5 by edwinkys | 9 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, I created an open-source vector database a couple months back called OasysDB. It's not a popular project but it serve a specific use case and has a small community behind it. So, recently, someone in the community sent a link to me about a repository that after digging deeper into it seems like a blatant copy of OasysDB v0.4 (It's now v0.7). They changed all of the initial branding and information to their own branding like name, author, email, etc. This is their repository: This is OasysDB v0.4: I honestly don't know what to do. I know that OasysDB is open-source and thus, free to modify and redistribute. But, I feel like this is more like a plagiarism and a bit unethical to do. If anyone got similar experience, I'd like to hear some advice. Thank you in advance.
