New ask Hacker News story: What SearchApps could emerge if Google opens its tech after antitrust trial?

What SearchApps could emerge if Google opens its tech after antitrust trial?
2 by theshaper | 0 comments on Hacker News.
The Wall Street Journal published an article about six possible consequences of the historic trial against Google[1]. All are interesting, but the first point is the one that caught my attention. If the DOJ were to force Google to open its technology and had to create a platform similar to "Nvidia NIM" (for example), here are some SearchApps I would like to use or connect with my developments: * Choose whether or not; to show ads based on curated searches from third parties. * Refined results from Hacker News, Stack Overflow, Reddit, Quora, etc. Without magic like "site:http://..." * Search for graffiti, urban art, street artists, etc. * Explore among tens of thousands of recipes without ads ← filter by regions, historical periods, allergies, budget, routes. * Specialized search in manga, anime, animation ← by period, style, directors, language, etc. * Limit to fiction literature, for example. "I need you to show me stories of dystopias written by authors from Eastern Europe between 1940 and 1960" * Movies: "List and/or show all scenes where Martin Scorsese makes a cameo" | vlc * Only news from reputable sources[2]. Improve the search in the historical archive of: NYTimes, WSJ, FT, Bloomberg, etc. Combined outputs related to historical events: global or just at the birth of my child ← what news happened that day? What films were showing in theaters? Improvement in information visualization. * Medical cases similar to "this file" * Information on trials and legal documents by region, period, judge, lawyer, litigant, etc. * Specialized in engineering and/or industrial design: parts, DIY, tutorials, manuals, hacks, suppliers, etc. * Search engine for 'Verified Facts,' filtering only Wikipedia, Britannica, Nature, Our World in Data, etc. * Specialized searching for vintage and collectible items: including auctions, buying and selling, rentals, stores, bartering, and exhibitions. * IoT: "Search for sensors that provide telemetry data on seismic activity along the coast of California during this period" * With BASH commands, pipes and redirections, regular expressions, or SQL. Each type of SearchApp may charge or not. It may show ads or not. It may be open or not. What would be undeniable is that Google would charge for it... or not. :‑) The difference with LLMs is that Google already has all this data recorded. It doesn't need to reprocess it. Additionally, they have Gemini. Moreover, Google would only be required to open the technology, not to stop offering its own search service. So, if you don't like any of the new SearchApps, you can continue using the regular Google as always. The important question is: what other SearchApps can you think of? [1] [2] Whatever it means for the user.
