New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Am I the only one who gets temple pain during prolonged calls?

Ask HN: Am I the only one who gets temple pain during prolonged calls?
3 by FirstTimePostin | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I don't believe in the whole phones cause cancer thing, but I also cannot deny what I am experiencing. Here are some more details: - I experience this during phone calls of duration > 25 minutes or so. - I keep my phone maybe 10 cm away from my temple. - I experience the discomfort on the side where I am listening at the very front of my forehead. - The discomfort remains for some time after calling. I am still feeling it and I have ended the call more than 15 minutes ago. - The discomfort feels like a sporadically pulsating vein and also similiar to when I get a headache from being dehydrated (could that be it?) - I happens both with WIFI calling (VOIP?) and over LTE. - I don't experience this while using WIFI or LTE data for prolonged hours. - I experienced this throughout my whole life; throughout every generation of phone (I'm I millennial). - I lived for many years in an apartment facing a phone antenna who was just 20 meters away at most, and I did no experience additional discomfort than usual. - I don't get any discomfort from WIFI or radio signals. Except, ... - If I turn on the microwave for a prolonged period of time and stay near the door, I do experience a shrinking/tightening of my whole head. I cannot recall if this happened with all microwaves I owned. - I don't use Bluetooth ear plugs or other Bluetooth devices so I cannot comment on those. - When I was a kid, we would be tens of boy scouts packed in a minivan and driven around and everyone (except me) would be playing with their Nokia (this is late '90s / early '00s) and I would experience a similiar headache. I later attributed this to possible CO/CO2 poisoning. - This happens to me, without fail, even when I am very concentrated on the conversation and without any thought in this direction what so ever, so I don't think I am being hypochondriac. Has anyone experienced anything similiar? What could be causing it? I know next to nothing about biology, so I cannot say myself. It's such a weird phenomenon. I am not even sure I am not imagining it, but, it usually happens that during the talk, I just get this sudden sharp localized pain, and it takes me by surprise.
