New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: How Can I Quickly Launch My Web Product and Attract Target Users?

Ask HN: How Can I Quickly Launch My Web Product and Attract Target Users?
2 by PeterHuber | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi everyone, I’ve just finished developing my web software product, but as a solo developer without an existing fanbase, I’m starting from scratch. I’m looking for practical advice and guidance on how to effectively launch my product and attract my target audience. Specifically, I’d love insights on: (1) Marketing Strategies: What are the most effective ways to get my product in front of potential users? (2) Social Media & Community Engagement: Which platforms should I focus on for maximum reach? (3) Gathering User Feedback: What are the best methods to quickly gather user feedback for improvements? I appreciate any tips, resources, or personal experiences you can share. Thank you!
