New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Intro to Game Development path for a 12 year old?

Ask HN: Intro to Game Development path for a 12 year old?
3 by throwaway_switc | 0 comments on Hacker News.
My 12 year old is certainly interested in tech. He's in a STEM school and interested in the curriculum. He's also quite interested in _playing_ video games, so I'd like to utilize that passion to get him more involved in software development. I'm an experienced software dev myself, but have zero knowledge of video game development. He has a Switch, and I'm trying to find an engaging online course that will ideally result in him creating a Switch game (to get him familiar with concepts of software development with a major focus on game dev). Not sure where to start, other than a Unity or Unreal course, but I'm not sure which engine is best for a Switch, or what course(s) are a good starting point for a 12 year old.
