New ask Hacker News story: How to run a startup for free ($6/yr)?

How to run a startup for free ($6/yr)?
5 by shrutigarg06 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Use this stack. 1. DynamoDB for database 2. AWS Lambda for backend 3. Netlify / Now / Surge for frontend 4. S3 for file/image hosting 5. Cloudinary for image hosting 6. IFTTT to webhook for cron 7. RedisLabs for queues, cache 8. Figma for designing and prototyping 9. Porkbun for $6 .com domains 10. Cloudflare for DNS This setup is enough to handle ~1M/requests month, more or less, depending on the application. If you are getting more traffic than that, your startup will be making money so you won’t mind upgrading. :)
