New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Markdown – Arguments for and Against

Ask HN: Markdown – Arguments for and Against
4 by vanilla-almond | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I neither like or dislike markdown. I am indifferent. However, it seems universally loved by developers. Any app missing markdown support - from note-taking, blogging, documentation, wiki, or a CMS - is dismissed by developers. (Or its inclusion is requested.) Questions: 1. Why do you like markdown so much? 2. If you dislike markdown, what are your reasons? 3. Have you ever had non-technical users successfully adopt markdown in their workflow or in the tools they use? My anecdotal experience with non-technical users: I have seen non-technical users forced to use it because developers insist on it. I have never seen non-technical users enjoy using it - tolerate it as most.
