New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: What to do when having second thoughts about a new job?

Ask HN: What to do when having second thoughts about a new job?
3 by walterclifford | 2 comments on Hacker News.
After being with my previous company for about ten years I recently started a new job, it's only been a month but I am already feeling I made the wrong decision. I don't regret leaving my old one, but I do wish I continued searching for something I'd be happier with. The problem is none of the companies I really wanted to work for were interested in me (I'm terrible at leetcode-type problems and seems the companies I'm most attracted to are also the ones that favor those the most) and so this new company was far from my first choice but it was a good offer from a place that cared more about my practical experience over my (in)ability to regurgitate and apply algorithms I haven't had a need to use since college. I've always gotten much enjoyment out of my work and so this dread-of-working I'm experiencing presently is entirely new to me, it's particularly concerning how quickly into the new job it occurred. What are my best courses of action here? I've come up with a few options but there may be better alternatives that escape me: * try and transfer to a different team within the company to see if things are better on a different one * stick it out for a reasonable amount of time (a year?) and start looking for something new * start looking for a new job now (though I imagine it'll be a gigantic red flag to most employers if I'm looking for something so soon after starting this one) * be open with my manager about the situation and see if she has a solution
