New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Security Cameras Inside Houses?

Ask HN: Security Cameras Inside Houses?
2 by chiefofgxbxl | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I recently received a promotional offer in the mail for a home security system. It boasts both a camera doorbell, but also cameras for the sole purpose of monitoring rooms inside your house. The ad shows an example of monitoring your living room on your phone [0]. In the past month I've been to a few homes of family and friends, and was disturbed to see some of them have cameras monitoring the kitchen, dining room, living room, etc. An extended family member even noticed one of the cameras in the corner, pointed to it, and exclaimed jovially, "Don't run around naked!", to which other people laughed. I have so many questions... - Are people really buying into this? - How pervasive is this? - How does the general public express outrage over privacy incidents (e.g. Facebook revelations) but not make the connection to installing 24/7 monitoring in their own home opening them up to that risk? - Do people not consider the ability for hackers or even state-agents to maliciously use this? - What sort of chilling effects will our future hold where governments can shut down any sign of disagreement, without you even having to step out into a public forum? - Is there a good way for me to discuss my concerns with family members without overstepping my bounds (*don't come in my house and tell me how to live*) - Is privacy dead beyond resuscitation? - Is the future really leaving me behind, where people like myself must become digital hermits against their own will, because "if you don't want to be on camera, don't come into my house" [0]
