New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Help, my mom is getting scammed by “Elon Musk”

Ask HN: Help, my mom is getting scammed by “Elon Musk”
5 by ScammerThrow | 4 comments on Hacker News.
My mom (74) is getting scammed by “Elon Musk” and I don’t know how to stop it. The running total is $50k+ and she will be homeless soon if this continues. It all started 6 months ago. I was helping her out with an issue on her computer and noticed that she had a Coinbase bookmark on her browser. I asked her why she had it bookmarked. She then proceeded to say she had money in a crypto “brokerage” account. The site[1] she pulled up showed that she had assets totaling $70k+ and she had made 30% profit. As a software developer I was even surprised that the website was somewhat sophisticated. Of course, this was all a scam and I was eventually able to bring the site down by reporting it to the abuse email of Namecheap. Soon after, I looked through her phone and found that they had been communicating quite a bit[3][4][5][6]. He built a relationship with her and she was/is in love with him. I decided to tell my family about her deeds and we had an intervention with her. Long story short, we thought this was the end of her dealings with “Elon.” Turns out, it wasn’t over. I saw my mom over Thanksgiving and noticed that she was using her phone a lot. When she went to the bathroom I was able to get into her phone and noticed that she was still talking to “Elon” on Telegram. The website had also changed to archived here at and included image[2] and her invite through[7]. She had promised him another $5k. At this point, I’ve tried everything to get through to her to no avail. Has anyone been through this before and can provide some guidance? Tldr; My mom has been sending “Elon Musk” bitcoin, through and coinbase, to fund his Mars missions. She is depleting her life savings quickly. 1.) 2.) 3.) 4.) 5.) 6.) 7.)
