New ask Hacker News story: Elevated anxiety levels about career uncertainty

Elevated anxiety levels about career uncertainty
2 by gtkid1999 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I recently graduated about a 1.5 years ago. I'm 24 and I'm scared shitless about my future in software engineering. I don't have a formal CS education (failed out and switched to something completely unrelated) and I've graduated. Given the current job market, I can't lie if I did not have my current job at a decently sized ecommerce firm, I'd be toast. My anxiety levels about my future are through the roof. Can't even sleep at nights let alone socialize because I'm scared of layoffs and not being competitive enough to go elsewhere. I keep thinking about doing another degree but this time in CS (from a no name school online), however, people telling me that its not the best use of my time and I should just focus on my career moving forward. How I can stop getting paralyzing thoughts about the future? My anxiety stems from my undergrad for sure and my failures. I'm trying to use school and a crutch for all my problems and I've realized this. Should I drop everything and go get a bachelor's in CS?
