New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Alternatives to YC?

Ask HN: Alternatives to YC?
7 by max_ | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi guys. Are there any other YC type entities that invest in startups outside the USA? I am based in East Africa (though my product is a consumer SaaS targeting the international market) I applied to YC for S24 but didn't even get an interview. I feel like its just too competitive (about 30k applications) I will apply again for W25 though. While I improve my project. Meanwhile I was wondering if there are any other accelerators that invest in early stage consumer SaaS products (targeting an international market but with a team based in East Africa) My needs of money are for infrastructure costs to get the ball rolling & build serious traction. What do you recommend? Any opportunities you think I should apply for? My email is incase you want to send me something
