New ask Hacker News story: Six questions to ask yourself before applying to that job

Six questions to ask yourself before applying to that job
2 by jesalg | 0 comments on Hacker News.
As someone who's interviewed hundreds of candidates and been on the other side of the table many times, I know firsthand how tough rejections can be. It's especially frustrating when you feel like you crushed the interview, only to be passed over without feedback. You're left wondering what went wrong and how to improve. That's why I wrote this post. If it's not an obvious reason, rejections often come down to these 6 factors. By anticipating them, you can be better prepared and increase your chances of success. I've included actionable steps for each point to help you prepare effectively. From company size fit to cultural alignment, this guide covers the key aspects that could make or break your application. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, these insights can help you navigate the competitive job market more effectively. Give it a read, and let me know if you find it helpful:
