New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Starting FinTech/becoming a card authority in Australia
Ask HN: Starting FinTech/becoming a card authority in Australia
3 by drekipus | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I thought I would ask here because I can't seem to find the information I'm looking for. Australia is going through a "credit card fee debacle" at the moment so search is cluttered. I want to investigate how to become a card issuer/authority without becoming a bank in Australia. The purpose is simple: I give my customer a "credit card" to use for approved merchants. They can go use that credit card for any amount. The list of approved merchants will vary by customer. I don't know where I can find information on doing this in Australia, and I also want to find information on how far I can get without venture capital.
3 by drekipus | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I thought I would ask here because I can't seem to find the information I'm looking for. Australia is going through a "credit card fee debacle" at the moment so search is cluttered. I want to investigate how to become a card issuer/authority without becoming a bank in Australia. The purpose is simple: I give my customer a "credit card" to use for approved merchants. They can go use that credit card for any amount. The list of approved merchants will vary by customer. I don't know where I can find information on doing this in Australia, and I also want to find information on how far I can get without venture capital.
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